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淯 (yù): 淯水,水名。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: Yu River (name of a river).
秗 (yù): 成熟的谷物。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: ripe grain.
焴 (yù): 火盛的样子。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: blaze of fire.
琙 (yù): 古地名,在今陕西省。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: ancient place name, now in Shaanxi Province.
隃 (yú): 古地名,在今甘肃省。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: ancient place name, now in Gansu Province.
喾 (kù): 人名,传说中的上古帝王。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: Emperor Ku (legendary ancient ruler). (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
蒮 (yù): 藕的别称。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: another name for lotus root.
蕷 (yù): 薯蓣的别称,即山药。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: another name for yam.
蜟 (yù): 古书上说的虫。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: insect mentioned in ancient books.
鋊 (yù): 金属名,一种合金。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: type of metal, an alloy.
阋 (xì): 争吵;争斗。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: to quarrel; to fight. (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
酗 (xù): 醉酒。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: to be drunk; to be intoxicated. (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
谕 (yù): 告诉;明白;诏谕。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: to inform; to understand; imperial edict.
馭 (yù): 同“御”,驾驭。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: same as “御”, to drive; to control.
籲 (xū): 叹息;呼吁。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: to sigh; to appeal; to call on. (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
䣱 (yù): 酒器。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: wine vessel.
礇 (yù): 砺石。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: whetstone.
噳 (yǔ): 鸟鸣声。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: bird's cry.
喅 (yù): 惊叫声。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: scream of fright.
龉 (yǔ): 咬。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: to bite.
瘉 (yù): 病痊愈。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: recovery from illness.
呷 (xiā): 小口喝;象声词。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: to sip; sound of sipping. (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
恰 (qià): 正好;合适。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: just right; exactly; suitable.
洽 (qià): 融洽;商量;广泛。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: harmonious; to negotiate; extensive.
愘 (qià): 叹词,表示不以为然。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: interjection expressing disapproval or indifference.
髂 (qià): 髂骨。 出处:《现代汉语词典》。 English: ilium.
硈 (qià): 坚硬的石头。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: hard stone.
硖 (xiá): 硖石,地名,在浙江海宁。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: Xiashi, place name, in Haining, Zhejiang. (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)
陜 (xiá): 同“陕”。 出处:《汉语大词典》。 English: same as "陕" (Shaanxi province). (Note: Although pronunciation is different, included as potentially relevant based on pronunciation proximity and the user's requirement to be exhaustive. Further user review may filter this out.)